Made in 2019
-commissioned project-
In the beginning of 2019 two friends of mine, Pierre Muffert & Darlene Podhajsky, asked me to help them with their crowdfunding campaign for a zero waster store named "Einfach Ohne" [en = simply without].
Their main request was producing a video about the concept of the project, the message behind the zero waste movement and their plans for the store. Besides that, an corporate identity was requested.
After a few meetings with them, I worked on the concept for the video and the animation including all the other necessary aspects while Studio Mowaja was responsible for the corporate identity and further support with the speaker text.
The video production was made at the Werftstudio with the Blackmagic CC4K, while the animation was completely done with Cinema 4D and Octane. Besides that I also used Marvelous Designer and Substance Painter to realize the concept.
Tobias Neumann from took care of the audio mastering and sounddesign. I
The first animated part
The second animated part